Enquiries Regarding Unredeemed Compulsory State Loans
Compulsory State Loans were borrowed from the public between 1961 and 1982. Citizens also extended loans to the State on a voluntary basis. If you issued a loan, or if you are an heir or the executor of the estate of someone who issued a loan, you can check on the particulars of the loan through the information system on this website.
Enter the relevant identifying details: 9-digit identification number and name
(as it appears in the Population Registry in Hebrew).
If there are unredeemed loans, you can submit a request, through the website, to receive instructions on redeeming them.
Eligibility cannot be checked through the system in the following cases:
- The holder of the loan transferred it to a third party.
- The holder of the loan paid it in the 1960s (the database only includes certificates from 1970-82).
- The holder of the loan is a sole employer, or nonresident.
In such cases, please contact the Bank of Israel in writing:
Bank of Israel, State Loans Section, PO Box 780, Jerusalem, 91007.
Issues may also be addressed to milvot@boi.org.il
Contact Us Form

Foreign loans: State of Israel BONDS & CERTIFICATES
The State of Israel raises funds around the world through foreign loans—in bond and certificate form. The loans are administered by a fiscal agent, currently Computershare.
Loan certificates which have or had an early redemption option in Israel can be redeemed in Israel through certain commercial bank branches. These certificates are:
Bonds - Securities issued by the Israel Bonds corporation
To check the series and notes issued in U.S.A
To check the series and notes issued in Canada
To check the series and notes issued in other places abroad
Certificates - Securities issued in the past by the Ministry of Finance and were eligible for early redemption.
Foreign loan certificates registered under a name are generally issued for-15 year terms. The actual loan certificates and the attached coupons carry unique serial numbers.