Cash Window
You must set a time to visit the BOI cash desk, at the BOI website, or at 1-800-300018
Upon arrival at the cash desk, you need to identify yourself via ID card, passport, or driver’s license
Your appointment is personal, and intended for only one person
Obtaining change for coins and banknotes
For banknotes, you can obtain change for up to NIS 5,000
You may combine banknotes and coins provided that the total is NIS 5,000 or 1,000 coins (the lower of the two)
Coins can be exchanged up to 1,000 coins
For instance: you may submit up to 1,000 coins 10 agora coins, for a total of NIS 100

You may submit up to 500 NIS 10 coins, for a total of NIS 5,000
You may submit up to 1,000 NIS 1 coins, for a total of NIS 1,000
For NIS 5 coins, you may submit up to 1,000 coins, for a total of NIS 5,000
You may submit up to 1,000 NIS ½ coins, for a total of NIS 500
You may submit up to 1,000 NIS 2 coins, for a total of NIS 2,000
You may submit up to 1,000 10 agora coins, for a total of NIS 100
Important to know before coming:
- Exchanging coins and banknotes is limited to once per calendar month per customer.
- If you exceed this limit, your visit will not be approved.
Replacing Second Series with Third Series NIS banknotes

Important to know before coming:
- You can use the Second Series banknotes or deposit them in your bank account.
- You can replace old Second Series banknotes at the Bank of Israel cash desk: Exchange is limited to NIS 5,000 per calendar month per customer.
Damaged banknotes/coins
You may submit damaged coins or banknotes to the Bank of Israel.
You must fill out a form in accordance with your request, and bring it with you.
Form for damaged banknotes Form for damaged coins
- Before you arrive, please sort each denomination (coin or banknote of different value) in a separate bag, and mark the quantity on each bag.
You must clean the coins well before you arrive so that it will be possible to properly identify them
If these conditions are not met,
we will not be able to accept the banknotes/coins.
Examples of damaged coins:
Worn out
Has a hole in it
Examples of damaged banknotes:
Very poor condition
Damaged banknotes can be exchanged by registered mail.
When the Bank of Israel receives damaged banknotes or coins, a preliminary examination is made at the Bank of Israel’s cash desk, during which time it will be determined whether the damaged currency is to be replaced or credited. If it has, a more comprehensive examination is made that may last a few days. Following that, the individual’s bank account will be credited in accordance with the Bank of Israel’s approval.
The requesting individual must attach a completed and signed request form.
Request form for replacing damaged banknotes by registered mail.
Please note: A request by registered mail to replace damaged currency totaling more than NIS 1,500, or if the request does not include all the details, including signature, will not be answered and will be returned to the sender by registered mail. The Bank of Israel is not responsible for loss or any other defect in returning the request by registered mail.
Bank of Israel
Currency Department Cash Desk, POB 780, Jerusalem, 9100701
Questions and Answers
Can I exchange a counterfeit banknote?
A banknote or coin that is found to be counterfeit is not legal tender, and as such, cannot be exchanged for money. The receiver of a banknote is responsible for inspecting it.
Can I exchange or replace foreign money?
Foreign currency cannot be exchanged at the Bank of Israel.
If I arrange an appointment in the system, is it confirmed automatically?
No. If you exceed the limitations stated above, your appointment will be cancelled within 48 hours.
Can I exchange a torn banknote?
As long as the size of the damaged banknote is more than half the size of the original banknote, it can be exchanged.
For more details:
Currency Department Public Enquiries: 1-800-300-018